8th Grade Photo Directory ...
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Our Scientists: Group: a / b / c / d / e
The Popcorn Lab & the Scientific Method: a / b
The Watermelon Lab & the Scientific Method: a / b/ c

Click here to go to the GBS (Gillum Broadcasting Station)
to see student videos of labs!
GPS Photos! Geocaching in action!
Day 1 & 2: pd 2 / pd 3 / pd 4 / pd 5 / pd 6
Day 3: pd 2 / pd 3 / pd 4 / pd 5 / pd 6
SLIME!! pd2 / pd3 / pd4 / pd5 / pd 6
Ice Cream Matters! : click here
Messing with Mixtures! Fun with Chemistry: click here
What is that Salt? The Flame Lab: click here
Marshmallow Molecules: click here
Bond with Me: Bonding with Sugars & Salts: click here
Knot your typical Pretzel Lab: Day1 / Day2
Flying Cars:
Pd2: teams/time trials Pd3: teams/time trials Pd4: teams / time trials
.............................................. Pd 5 teams / time trials Pd 6: teams / time trials

Speed Machines:Pd2: photos / Pd3: photos / Pd4: photos / Pd5: photos / Pd6: photos
Roller Coasters & Energy:click here
Flying Car Night! Click here
Academic Bowl At SRHS: Click here
2014: Science Fair Photo Directory: click here
Spaghetti Lab: Click here
Flying Car Day at the Air & Space Museum: Part a / part b / part c
Solar Car Fun! MMNews Video: here
Solar Car Photos: Teams: pd2 / pd3 / pd4 / pd5 / pd6 / Race day: part 1 / Pt2 / pt3